The dialogue was chaired by Bro Mohd Hairulza'im bin Md Zin, Chairperson of Spirituality and Islamization, SRC 08/09. The panelist were Dr Akmal Khuzairy Abdul Rahman, Director of Students' Development Division, Bro Muhammad Azrul Hazerin Abd Razak, Assistant Director of Legal Unit, Bro Abdul Wahab Hj Zawawi, Security Officer.
Some of the respond from the students:
- What is the rationale of this implementation.
- Why does this issue is being discussed in the short semester as not all students are taking short semester.
- The administration should focused on other issues such as; couples who ride together,
Some of the respond from the panelist:
- The rule of wearing helmet is already there.
- There are cases where the students involved in accidents
- Other universities have enforced this rule.
- It is the order of JKJR (Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya)
- This enforcement is also meant for the staff
- Our Rector is very concerned about the students. Also, there is a possibility for the parents to sue the University (if anything happens to their child, God forbid)
- Wearing "turban(serban)" seems like a good idea.
- It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this rule.
Sincere, Reliable, Committed
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