Akhlak Islam: Pencuri Memeluk Islam
Subhanallah. Saya tertarik dengan berita ini:
NEW YORK (CNN) — A potential victim became a compassionate counselor during a recent robbery attempt, changing the would-be criminal’s mind — and apparently his religion.
Surveillance video shows storekeeper Mohammad Sohail holding a robber at bay with a shotgun.
Storekeeper Mohammad Sohail was closing up his Long Island convenience store just after midnight on May 21 when — as shown on the store’s surveillance video — a man came in wielding a baseball bat and demanding money.
“He said, ‘Hurry up and give me the money, give me the money!’ and I said, ‘Hold on’,” Sohail recalled in a phone interview with CNN on Tuesday, after the store video and his story was carried on local TV.
Sohail said he reached under the counter, grabbed his gun and told the robber to drop the bat and get down on his knees.
“He’s crying like a baby,” Sohail said. “He says, ‘Don’t call police, don’t shoot me, I have no money, I have no food in my house.’ ”
Amidst the man’s apologies and pleas, Sohail said he felt a surge of compassion.
He made the man promise never to rob anyone again and when he agreed, Sohail gave him $40 and a loaf of bread.
“When he gets $40, he’s very impressed, he says, ‘I want to be a Muslim just like you,’ ” Sohail said, adding he had the would-be criminal recite an Islamic oath.
“I said ‘Congratulations. You are now a Muslim and your name is Nawaz Sharif Zardari.’”
When asked why he chose the hybrid of two Pakistani presidents’ names, the Pakistani immigrant laughed and said he had been watching a South Asian news channel moments before the confrontation.
Sohail said the man fled the store when he turned away to get the man some free milk.
He said police might still be looking for the suspect but he doesn’t intend to press charges.
“The guy, you know, everybody has a hard time right now, it’s too bad for everybody right now in this economy,” said the storekeeper.
Sumber asal di sini
Akhlak Islam boleh menarik minat hatta seorang pencuri. Pintu hidayah boleh terbuka hatta ketika mencuri. Maka ingatlah wahai sahabat, ajaklah manusia kepada kebenaran dengan keindahan Islam. Islam itu indah, kitalah yang menjadi agen penyebar keindahan tersebut.
Saya teringat kisah seorang imam di sebuah negara barat, yang menyebabkan pemandu bas yang sering dinaikinya memeluk Islam, hanya kerana beberapa sen terlebih yang dipulangkannya.Rupanya si pemandu sengaja memberi duit lebih dari sepatutnya untuk menguji si imam akan akhlak Islami. Betapa beberapa sen itu boleh menjadi perbezaan antara seseorang itu kita tunjuki hidayah kepadanya atau memburukkan lagi imej Islam padanya.
Jom, kita jadi agen keindahan Islam yang kita cintai…
2 Responses
artikel ini di sedut dari iluvislam.com
June 8th, 2009 at 12:32 am
Asslamualaikum. Subhanallah, Dialah penggerak dan Pemberi hidayah kepada setiap sesiapa yang dihekendakinya. Semoga Allah SWT menganugerahkan kita nilai akhlak yang mulia dan pegangan adab yang kukuh. Semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.
June 11th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Subhanallah..canggih akhlak Islam ni..menjadi asbab hidayah Allah..kalau pencuri boleh masuk Islam,apakan lagi mereka yg melakukan jenayah lain..cuma kita sebagai umat Islam kena bersungguh berakhlak seperti Nabi S.A.W kita..
teringat sebuah cerita imam Warsh dengan pencuri yg masuk kerumahnya.Moga2 Allah sentiasa melindungi kita Amin